2014 – Will this be the year you say goodbye to infertility and hello to your baby?

The days are dwindling in 2013 with 2014 right around the corner.  As we reflect back on the year, our Fertility Institute of Hawaii staff are delighted that we were able to work with many wonderful patients who are now ending the year as parents or expectant parents.

Our goals  always are to provide the state of the art technology and medicine to help those who wish to start or grow a family with a happy and healthy outcome – a baby. (And sometimes – two!)

Our hope is that in 2014, those who wish to end their challenges with infertility will connect with us.  Here are some tips to get you started on your journey to overcoming infertility and becoming a parent:

1. Start the year with healthy practices, such as eating right and quitting tobacco and alcohol usage.

2. If you are unsuccessful at becoming pregnant after trying for a year with unprotected sexual intercourse (couples who are under 35) or six months (couples over the age of 35) then start 2014 with help instead of another possibility for disappointment. Let us work with you to decipher the potential reasons for your infertility and start you on a course of action that will maximize your ability to become pregnant or welcome a baby before the calendar turns to 2015.   This link will bring you to our information on how we can help.

3. Do you need or want to postpone parenthood, yet, wish to have an option to start a family in the future? We understand that due to medical treatments (such as chemotherapy) or life situations – some individuals or couples opt to postpone starting their family.  We can help. (Click here to read more)

4.  Are you a same sex couple and wish to learn about options to help build your family this coming year? If yes, then we are here to guide you through the process. We have amassed information on this topic here: OPTIONS

5. And, if you have concerns about genetic diseases being passed on to your unborn child or wish to balance your family with gender selection then we have this expertise via our PGD technologies. Information is available for your perusal here.   

We hope that 2014 brings your hopes and dreams for a child to a reality.

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