Brixton Isaiah: Our March Baby of the Month

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Mom Sarah was diagnosed with PCOS in high school and was always told that she may have difficulty conceiving. She didn’t think much of it until she got married in 2017. Wanting to start a family was always a goal for this newly married couple. They were hoping it would happen naturally, but after 8 months of no positives, Sarah finally called her gynecologist, Dr. Berger-Chen at The Fertility Institute of Hawaii.

Dr. Berger-Chen started Sarah off first with oral fertility medications. Oral medications were unfortunately not successful. Sarah then pursued further treatment with Dr. Karmon for what was about 5 or 6 IUI attempts, after a thorough consultation and medical work-up. If the last IUI wasn’t successful, the couple was then going to pursue IVF treatment as a next step. Sarah’s last IUI was May 4, 2020 and in all honesty, she was not super hopeful having been let down many times before. May 18th Sarah took a pregnancy test, and those two faint pink lines were a sure sight to see! Later, confirmatory blood work did indeed show that Sarah was pregnant. Brixton Isaiah was born as healthy and happy as ever and without complications on February 3, 2021.

“I know that without Dr. Berger-Chen and Dr. Karmon, we would not have our blessing of a baby boy right now. We are forever grateful for everyone at the clinic. Their kindness and hope kept us going!”

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