Brooklyn: Our April Baby of the Month

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In 2012, Mom Eryn and her husband were surprised with the news that they were pregnant with their first child, a son. The pregnancy was complicated and Eryn was very ill. The delivery was also complicated and ended in an emergency c-section. However, given all of that, the couple still longed for another child. So in 2013, they began to try again. For the next 8 years, they would try countless rounds of IUI and IVF. After suffering a miscarriage and two ectopic pregnancies, they were mentally and physically exhausted and defeated, so they put their journey on hold. After feeling like they wanted to give up, Eryn had a conversation with her best friend who put surrogacy so simply and eloquently. This good friend truly opened the couple’s eyes to a journey that they never even thought of exploring, the idea of having a baby via a surrogate. The couple wanted to fully explore this possibility and immediately contacted a surrogacy agency and started the process.
The Fertility Institute of Hawaii worked with the surrogacy agency to use the couple’s seven frozen embryos and on May 20, 2021, they transferred one embryo into their chosen surrogate. It was a success! On February 4, 2022, the most precious baby girl, Brooklyn Olivia, came into this world and filled their hearts and souls with so much love!

“We are forever grateful for Dr. Karmon and our entire care team at FIH. Without
them, our family would not have received this blessing. We are forever in their debt!”

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